American Clean Power

Join American Clean Power

ACP unites the power, resources, and people across America’s clean energy industries: energy storage, land-based wind, offshore wind, utility solar, clean hydrogen, and transmission. We collaborate closely with our members to address their specific needs and equip them with the tools needed for growth and expansion in the U.S. market. Learn about member benefits below.

We're stronger when we speak with a unified voice.

ACP is the voice of today’s multi-tech clean energy industry & is committed to meeting domestic energy and security goals while building our economy with fast-growing, low-cost, and reliable power.

Clean energy is operating at scale today, with U.S. projections indicating over 200% growth by 2032.

Many businesses are invested across sectors—storage, wind, solar, clean hydrogen and transmission—a trend we expect will continue.

By uniting the power of the clean energy industries and associated players, we provide our members a higher ROI while fighting hard to make clean energy the leading source of power in the United States.

Key benefits of ACP membership include:

Information & Best Practices

Gray line icon representing connected nodes.

Connect with industry leaders participating in committees and interest groups (participation limited to eligible members).

Participate in Exclusive Events

Line icon representing a calendar with a circled date.

Learn more with exclusive policy briefings, networking opportunities, and invitations to premier industry events.

Access Data & Tools

Gray line icon representing charts.

Access proprietary industry data and a vast resource library with essential tools that can help inform and grow your business.

A Voice at the Table

Gray line icon representing four profiles of people.

Be part of a powerful collective voice guiding the most important policy discussions impacting our industry.

Access Exclusive Benefits

Data Access

Clean energy data

Use ACP’s proprietary data to make smart, informed decisions that propel your business to success.
A screenshot of a topographical map of the United States with two inset images.

  • CleanPowerIQ is a comprehensive, interactive online database providing data on all operational, under construction, and advanced development projects in the United States (as well as all active industry-related manufacturing facilities).
  • Market Reports: ACP’s Clean Power Quarterly Market Reports—and sector-specific market reports produced in collaboration with Wood Mackenzie—provide an in-depth look at the U.S. clean power industry, including market rankings of major players, state-by-state details, economic and environmental impacts, assessment of power offtake and wind capacity ownership, manufacturing and supply chain, project finance, offshore wind, transmission, and more.
  • O&M Recommended Practices: Operating existing projects represents a growing part of the U.S. clean power industry and offers new business opportunities.

Education: Events, & PowerCasts

Learn and network at ACP events

ACP hosts a variety of premier industry events, including the annual CLEANPOWER Conference & Exhibition. Members receive exclusive discounts, as well as strong preference for speaking slots.

  • Attend: ACP events bring together the most knowledgeable minds in the clean energy industry and create a collaborative platform for discussing issues that are important to industry professionals and their companies. Members receive significant discounts on all ACP events and free, members-only webinars.
  • Speak: Speaking at an ACP event is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge with industry colleagues and bring visibility to you and your company. Strong preference is given to members. Membership is required to participate in the conference planning committees or to be a program chair.
  • Exhibit: Exhibiting at an ACP event gives your company limitless opportunities to increase sales, reach new buyers, close deals, and strengthen your brand. Members receive exclusive discounts.
  • Sponsor: Sponsoring events—available to ACP members only—gives you the opportunity to broadcast your company brand to thousands of industry buyers, technical experts, and market suppliers. View sponsorship opportunities. 

The logo for ACP's PowerCasts, a digital learning experience.

PowerCasts: ACP hosts a robust members-only virtual events program (PowerCasts) to help you stay current on activities happening in the clean energy industry. Weekly virtual events provide tactical, informational, and up-to-the-minute material that sharpen your skills and broaden your knowledge.

Member Groups

ACP Member Groups & Committees

Attendees of an ACP event participating in an extra conference activity raising their hands to ask a question or show support.ACP member groups serve as the primary platforms through which ACP seeks industry perspectives to inform policy and advocacy positions and shape industry guidelines.

By engaging with these committees, sub-committees, and working groups, you also receive first access to relevant information and updates, opportunities to form valuable peer connections, and frequent meetings with and support from ACP staff.

See the section below for more details on ACP’s member groups and committees.

Member Portal

Member Portal & my.CleanPower

Accessing member benefits is easy and convenient with ACP’s Member Portal and my.CleanPower.

Simply sign in to register for events, participate in member interest groups, download members-only market reports, manage your newsletter subscriptions, or access members-only data.


Join clean power committees and groups

Committees & Groups

There has never been a more active time for our industry’s work. Increase your voice in the clean power space by joining a member group.

Why join an ACP committee or group?

  • Increase your knowledge in areas of interest to you: Numerous policy, regulatory, and technical committees and groups deal with diverse topics.
  • Meet industry leaders with similar interests: When you join an ACP committee or group, you will interact with industry leaders–either in person or online–from across the globe with interests similar to yours, many of whom have been in the industry for decades and can help you to develop professional relationships and offer you career advice.
  • Increase your value to your employer: Employers recognize the value of serving on ACP committees and groups.
  • Share your knowledge: By serving on an ACP committee or group, you have the opportunity to share your expertise on a specific topic for the benefit of the entire industry.

Operations committees are still available for members. If you are interested in more information on, or joining any of ACP’s operations, EHS, or workforce development committees or groups, please reach out to Josh Rogers.

Current members can edit their policy and advocacy committee or group participation here.

Susan Nickey

Susan Nickey

Chief Client Officer, HASI
ACP Board Chair

“Joining ACP as a founding member was an easy decision for our team. Renewable energy is a mainstream and mature source of American electric power. Clearly, we needed a united trade association to represent the breadth and depth of our industry. If we are to deliver a grid that is predominately powered by clean, reliable, and affordable renewable power, then we must continue to advocate as one cohesive group working together and playing off each other’s strengths.”

Headshot of Susan Nickey, Board Chair-Elect.

Apply for ACP Membership

Explore our seven membership options tailored to your business needs. Membership dues vary based on application type and revenue. For questions, reach out at

Membership Inquiries

If you have any questions regarding ACP membership, please reach out to and one of our dedicated staff will assist you.

Welcome New Members - October 2024

Meet our Membership Team

Have questions? Want to learn more about how your organization can join the hundreds of other companies helping to determine the future of clean power in the United States? Reach out to our membership team today:


Jim Murphy

President & Co-Founder, Invenergy
Immediate Past ACP Board Chair

Clean power and renewable energy sources are the future. Becoming a founding member of ACP for us meant committing to the world that we’re in this together. By concentrating our effort and resources on a larger, multi-technology association, we can advocate with one voice what we’ve known all along: clean energy is safe, reliable and affordable.”

Jim Murphy Headshot